DC Brushless Servo Barrier Gate Will be Launched in April 2019 in ISC WEST 2019

DC/AC barrier gates, tripod turnstiles, Swing barrier gates, Speed gates, Flap barrier gates, Full height turnstile gates, Loop detector, Parking lock

SUNFRE DC Servo Barrier gate which is the newly designed, maintenance free MicroDrive unit high speed barrier gate. Which offers 100% more torque. For the reason, it’s 100% duty without over-heat issues. The opening time as fast as 0.6 seconds. Even more the opening speed is adjustable from 0.6s to 6s or more. This barrier redefines performance in non-stop toll applications. So it is the ideal solution for very high frequented toll stations providing great reliability and sustainability, as well as comprehensive functionality.  This DC Servo Barrier gate use Innovative technology design. Also was manufactured with precision machinery to guarantee satisfaction in quality and reliability for years to come. SUNFRE intelligent barrier has been lab tested for more than 10 millions opening / closing and still without any degrade in performance.



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