Privacy policy

Privacy Protection Agreement

Welcome to SUNFRE.

SUNFRE (referred to as “we”) is well aware of the importance of personal information to you, and we will protect your personal information and privacy in accordance with laws and regulations. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and protecting your personal information. This application respects and protects the personal privacy of all users who use the service. In order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services, this application will use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy. But this application will treat this information with a high degree of diligence and prudence. Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, the app will not disclose or provide this information to third parties without your prior permission. The app will update this privacy policy from time to time. When you accept the contract for using the app service, you are deemed to have accepted the entire content of this privacy policy. This privacy policy is an integral part of the agreement to use The app service.

Please read and understand this Privacy Policy carefully before using our products (or services).

If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Protection Agreement, we cannot provide you with complete products and services, and you can also choose to stop using them. When you choose to continue or use it again, based on the necessity of providing products and services, it will be deemed that you accept and approve that we will process your relevant information in accordance with the terms of this agreement.

1. Collection and use of personal information

Collection of Personal Information

During your use of “SUNFRE” software and related services, we will, in accordance with the principles of legality, justification, and necessity, clarify to you the purpose, method, and scope of collection and use, and collect information. In order to provide better services and more complete functions to all users, we may collect, store and use information about you to ensure the normal operation of the product; at the same time, in the process of continuously optimizing and improving products and services; and guarantee Products, services, and users may also collect, use, and store your relevant information when they are safe to use. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as a SUNFRE user or enjoy some of the services or functions we provide, or you may not be able to achieve the intended effect of the relevant services.

(1) Information you fill in when registering an account

For example, the nickname and mobile phone number you filled in when registering.

(2) Information uploaded by you when using the service

For example: the avatar and basic personal information you upload when using our APP.

(3) Information submitted by you through our customer service or participating in our activities

For example: information contained in materials submitted by you to participate in our online activities.

If you voluntarily provide personal information, you agree that we will process your personal information according to the purpose and method described in this policy. The above information you provide will continue to authorize us to use it during your use of the service. When you cancel your account, we will stop using and delete the above information.

2. Information we obtain when you use the service

(1) Log information

When you use our services, we may automatically store mobile phone-related information as service log information: device information, such as device model, operating system version and other information; software information, such as software version number; IP address.

(2) Information obtained from third-party partners

We may obtain information generated or shared when you use the services of third-party partners. For example, when you use WeChat services, we will obtain the name and time of your login to the third-party partner service, so as to facilitate your authorization management. Please read carefully the user agreement or privacy policy of the third-party partner service.

3. How we use the collected information

We strictly abide by the provisions of laws and regulations and the provisions with users, and use the information of mobile phones for the following purposes. If we use your information beyond the following purposes, we will explain to you here and obtain your consent.

(1) To provide services to you.

(2) To meet your individual needs. For example, language settings, location settings, personalized services.

(3) Product development and service optimization. For example, when our system fails, we will record and analyze the information generated during the system failure to optimize our services.

(4) Safety guarantee. For example, we use your information for identity verification, security protection, archive backup, customer security services and other purposes.

(5) Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of our promotional activities.

(6) Management software. For example, software certification, software update and upgrade, etc.

In order to give you a better experience, improve our services or other purposes with your consent, we may use the information collected through certain services for our other services, subject to compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

In order to ensure the security of the service and help us better understand the operation of our application, we may record relevant information. Examples include how often you use the application, crash information, overall usage, performance data, and the source of the application. We do not combine the information we store in the analytics software with personally identifiable information you provide in the application.

4. Sharing

We will not share your information with any third parties other than ourselves without your consent.

You can share your relevant information with your friends, family and other users through our services. For example, the text and photos you share publicly in your WeChat Moments. Please note that this may contain sensitive information such as your personally identifiable information and personal property information. Please carefully consider disclosing your relevant personal sensitive information.

V. Disclosure

We will only disclose your information under the following circumstances and under the premise of adopting industry-standard security measures:

1. According to your needs, disclose the information you specify in the disclosure method you expressly agree to;

2. When your information must be provided according to the requirements of laws and regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your information according to the required information type and disclosure method. Under the premise of complying with laws and regulations, when we receive the above request for information disclosure, we will require the recipient to issue corresponding legal documents, such as subpoenas or investigation letters. We firmly believe that we should be as transparent as the law allows about the information we are asked to provide. All requests are carefully vetted to ensure they have a lawful basis and are limited to data that law enforcement has a legal right to obtain for specific investigative purposes.

6. Personal Information Protection and Security Measures

(1) We have adopted industry-standard security measures to protect the personal information you provide to prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information.

(2) We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is collected. We will only retain your personal information for the period necessary to achieve the purposes stated in this policy, unless an extended retention period is required or permitted by law.

(3) The Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and emails, instant messaging, and communication methods with other our users are not encrypted. We strongly recommend that you do not send personal information through such methods. Please use a complex password to help us ensure the security of your account.

(4) The Internet environment is not 100% safe, and we will try our best to ensure or guarantee the security of any information you send us. If our physical, technical, or management protection facilities are damaged, resulting in unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, resulting in damage to your legitimate rights and interests, we will bear corresponding legal responsibilities.

(5) In the event of an unfortunate personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, and your own prevention and control measures. Advice on reducing risks, remedies for you, etc. We will promptly inform you of the relevant circumstances of the incident by email, letter, phone call, push notification, etc. When it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner.

At the same time, we will also actively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

7. Your rights

In accordance with relevant Chinese laws, regulations, standards, and common practices in other countries and regions, we guarantee you to exercise the following rights with respect to your personal information:

(1) Access to your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions provided by laws and regulations. If you wish to exercise your right to access your data, you can do so yourself by:

Account Information – If you wish to access or edit personal profile information and payment information in your account, change your password, add security information or close your account, etc., you can perform such operations by visiting the Personal Center.

If you are unable to access this personal information via the link above, you can always email We will respond to your access request within 15 days.

As for other personal information generated during your use of our products or services, as long as we do not need too much investment, we will provide it to you. If you would like to exercise your data access rights, please email

(2) Correction of your personal information

When you find that the personal information we process about you is incorrect, you have the right to ask us to make corrections. You can apply for correction through the methods listed in “(1) Access to your personal information”.

If you are unable to correct these personal information through the above link, you can send an email to at any time. We will respond to your correction request within 15 days.

(3) Delete your personal information

You can request us to delete your personal information under the following circumstances:

1. If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;

2. If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;

3. If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;

4. If you no longer use our products or services;

5. If we no longer provide you with products or services.

If we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also notify the entities that obtained your personal information from us and request them to delete them in a timely manner, unless laws and regulations provide otherwise, or these entities obtain your independent authorization.

After you delete information from our service, we may not delete the corresponding information in the backup system immediately, but will delete the information when the backup is updated.

8. How do we handle children’s personal information

Our products, websites and services are primarily intended for adults. Children may not create their own user accounts without the consent of a parent or guardian.

For the collection of children’s personal information with parental consent, we will only use or publicly disclose this information when permitted by law, with the explicit consent of parents or guardians, or when it is necessary to protect children.

Although local laws and customs define children differently, we consider anyone under the age of 14 to be a child.

If we discover that we have collected personal information from children without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the data as soon as possible.

9. How to update this Privacy Policy

In order to provide you with better services, we and related services will be updated and changed from time to time. We will revise this Privacy Policy in due course. These revisions constitute a part of this Privacy Policy and have the same effect as this Privacy Policy. Without your explicit Agree, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy currently in effect. After this Privacy Policy is updated, we will publish an updated version on SUNFRE, and remind you of the updated content through an official announcement or other appropriate means before the updated terms take effect, so that you can keep abreast of the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

10. How to contact us

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions and cooperation matters regarding this privacy policy, please contact us via the following methods: email:, we will review the issues involved as soon as possible and reply within 30 days.

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